Make use of your brain's service worker

Make use of your brain's service worker


2 min read

First things first, what is a service worker in JavaScript?

A service worker is a type of web worker. It's essentially a JavaScript file that runs separately from the main browser thread, intercepting network requests, caching or retrieving resources from the cache, and delivering push messages.


I want to share with you this idea I learned from experience, if you're interested in reading the science behind it, here it is. The idea that our brains are constantly processing things in the background and later it throws you a possible solution that may be the answer to the problem that makes you scratch your head for hours.

Here is a flowchart I drew to explain my idea Screen Shot 2021-10-16 at 9.33.04 PM.png

This situation happened to me countless times. I would be trying to solve a problem, and it was close to the end of my day, so I would always say, "ok, this is now an issue for tomorrow. I won't worry about that since it's already close to 5 pm". The following day I would have at least one idea that could solve the problem, 90% of the time, I would have the solution! Why bother trying to solve a problem in the last 5 minutes? This situation will likely only cause you more stress.

This method will help you avoid unnecessary and unwelcome stress and the feeling that you never actually stop working. If you get home and research things through the night looking for a solution, your burnout bar will increase, and you miss the chance to enjoy your life.

I would advise against doing the before mentioned at home. Instead, let your brain's service worker do the job in the background and help you. Remember when you had ideas while having a nice shower or going for a walk and coming back with many ideas and reflections/realizations? Same here, but you are doing it consciously!

One of the fascinating aspects of this idea is that you are not even thinking about the problem, and then later, your brain throws you a possible solution. I compare this idea with a service worker because the service worker can receive push messages from a server when the app is not active, see "not active"? Same as you not actively thinking about the problem, our brains are amazing!

This article was quick but the idea is extremely valuable! I want to finish this by saying that this is a habit that you must put into practice, and like any habit, it requires consistency.

I'm interested in knowing your thoughts, questions, and about your experiences! Please leave a comment below!


Wagner Moreira
